We urgently need to raise $50,000 to build a new Baby House for our sun bear cubs!
Your gift today ensures our orphaned cubs can stay near their foster parents 24/7, helping them feel secure and supported.
Your donation is secure and protected.
We are not only caring for orangutans; we also have over 70 rescued sun bears who need your help. Many of these bears are orphaned cubs, like the recently rescued Andrea in the photo. They require the comforting presence of their mothers at all times and experience stress when left alone. Therefore, when a new sun bear cub arrives at our centre, we strive to provide them with the best possible early childhood experience, which includes round-the-clock care and allowing them to spend as much time as possible in their natural habitat.
But unlike the orphaned orangutans in our care, the sun bear cubs don't have a Baby House, an essential part of their upbringing. There, they could sleep close to their surrogate parents instead of sharing a room with a volunteer, which can be challenging, or spending the night in a forest cage.
With your help today, we can build a Baby House to give the cubs the tender, loving care they need so much, both during the day and at night.
"Our sun bear cubs deserve a healthy psychological and physical development, and the Baby House will greatly facilitate our ability to provide this for them."
Patrick Rouxel, Consultant for the BOS Foundation's Sun Bear Program

Just like orangutans, sun bears face numerous challenges, with habitat loss, commercial hunting, and the illegal pet trade being the three main threads. The total sun bear population has declined by at least 30 per cent in the last 30 years, contributing to sun bears being classified as 'vulnerable', meaning they are at high risk of extinction in the wild. The BOS Foundation has been dedicated to caring for the world's smallest bears since 1998, and like our efforts with orangutans, we strive to provide the highest welfare standards for them. These include 24/7 care, daily enrichment activities, and a Forest School to encourage natural behaviours.
However, we urgently need a Baby House, and you can help us make it happen with your gift today!

We urgently need to raise $50,000 to build a new Baby House for our sun bear cubs!
Your gift today ensures our orphaned cubs can stay near their foster parents 24/7, helping them feel secure and supported.
Your donation is secure and protected.
We are not only caring for orangutans; we also have over 70 rescued sun bears who need your help. Many of these bears are orphaned cubs, like the recently rescued Andrea in the photo. They require the comforting presence of their mothers at all times and experience stress when left alone. Therefore, when a new sun bear cub arrives at our centre, we strive to provide them with the best possible early childhood experience, which includes round-the-clock care and allowing them to spend as much time as possible in their natural habitat.
But unlike the orphaned orangutans in our care, the sun bear cubs don't have a Baby House, an essential part of their upbringing. There, they could sleep close to their surrogate parents instead of sharing a room with a volunteer, which can be challenging, or spending the night in a forest cage.
With your help today, we can build a Baby House to give the cubs the tender, loving care they need so much, both during the day and at night.
"Our sun bear cubs deserve a healthy psychological and physical development, and the Baby House will greatly facilitate our ability to provide this for them."
Patrick Rouxel, Consultant for the BOS Foundation's Sun Bear Program

Just like orangutans, sun bears face numerous challenges, with habitat loss, commercial hunting, and the illegal pet trade being the three main threads. The total sun bear population has declined by at least 30 per cent in the last 30 years, contributing to sun bears being classified as 'vulnerable', meaning they are at high risk of extinction in the wild. The BOS Foundation has been dedicated to caring for the world's smallest bears since 1998, and like our efforts with orangutans, we strive to provide the highest welfare standards for them. These include 24/7 care, daily enrichment activities, and a Forest School to encourage natural behaviours.
However, we urgently need a Baby House, and you can help us make it happen with your gift today!